Student Career Module

Student Career Module

Most people don’t know what kind of work environment they will thrive in until they go through a trial-and-error process. We’ll help you find your ideal environment faster (based on your behavioral and communication preferences) and provide a plan for...
Student Leadership Module

Student Leadership Module

You’re considering a future leadership role. But when you step up to lead, you don’t always get the response you’re hoping for. It’s discouraging. We can help. In this module, you’ll learn critical components of communication, influence,...
Adapt to Influence Module

Adapt to Influence Module

You have honed a powerful message but aren’t achieving the influence you expected. How do you know when it’s time to adapt? We’ll give you the clues to look for and your personalized adaptation plan. And you’ll learn how to construct a message...
Building Inclusion Module

Building Inclusion Module

When we can overcome the urge to judge someone who thinks and works differently, we have an easier time overcoming other biases. This module helps participants break down judgments, use benign terms to describe behavioral preferences, and have more productive...
Friends & Family Circles

Friends & Family Circles

After seeing how IFM breaks down judgment and improves mutual respect, so many of our business clients told us they want to get people in their personal circles to participate as well. So we’ve made it easy to invite friends and family, share results with each other,...