Which Inter Face Methods Plan is Right for You?

Choose the plan that’s right for you.
Right for you if you’re interested in learning more about yourself and including your personal circles in this learning.Students
Right for you if you are a student preparing for a professional career, or an instructor focusing on communication skills.Organization
Right for you if want to enhance communication across your organization and develop effective team work.Services
Right for you if your hourly team of services professionals needs strong tools to build skills in customer service.What’s Included?
Start with the package that is right for you. Once you complete your assessment and access the modules that came with your package, you can upgrade to access the additional modules.

Inter Face Report
Discover your preferred behavioral methods and how strong each of your preferences is. You’ll learn the corresponding best methods for processing information and adapting to other communication styles, your typical stress reactions, and how to manage communication while under pressure.

Inter Face Summary
Overview of your behavioral preferences and recommendations for improved communication and influence. Are you a Changing Leaf or an Evergreen? How does that impact your interactions with others of the same and differing styles, and what can you do to achieve more from each conversation?

Team Communication Matrix
Make adaptation part of your daily practice with this at-a-glance reference for your entire team’s behavioral preferences. Identify the challenges in your team mix and get insights into the best ways to adapt. Look up individuals by name and get tips on the best ways to connect with them.

Team Planning Report
Build an optimally balanced team of executors, innovators, and connectors (who can fill both roles and translate for others). The Team Planning Report makes it easy to review individual styles and find best-fit combinations.

Friends & Family Circles
After seeing how IFM breaks down judgment and improves mutual respect, so many of our business clients told us they want to get people in their personal circles to participate as well. So we’ve made it easy to invite friends and family, share results with each other, and get recommendations catered to the behavioral preference interactions within your circles.

Building Inclusion Module
When we can overcome the urge to judge someone who thinks and works differently, we have an easier time overcoming other biases. This module helps participants break down judgments, use benign terms to describe behavioral preferences, and have more productive discussions.

Servicing with Excellence
We've all heard that we should do unto others as we'd have them do unto us, but there's a catch! Not everyone wants the same things. So, providing service based on what you would want may not satisfy your customer. In this module, you'll learn what questions to ask to quickly identify a customer's preferences so you can provide excellent experiences and contribute to improved NPS scores.

Adapt to Influence Module
You have honed a powerful message but aren't achieving the influence you expected. How do you know when it's time to adapt? We'll give you the clues to look for and your personalized adaptation plan. And you'll learn how to construct a message once you understand their preferences.

Resiliency During Change
Successful change requires some work, but it can feel like you're spinning your wheels. Resiliency During Change helps you identify your current phase of change and the best steps to reach the next phase. You will learn the elements of the change cycle, your personal approach to change, and how to manage organizational change. You can also apply this module to help someone else improve their change resiliency.

Collaborative Planning Module
Create an awesome team with complimentary behavioral styles to minimize gaps. Participants will learn methods for harvesting, nurturing, and realizing ideas. We'll cover planning, personal planning, time management, and collaboration skills.

Delegating Effectively
Employees who delegate effectively are better positioned to improve their professional standing. But it's easier said than done. In this module, you'll identify your main obstacles to delegation and learn breakthrough solutions that fit your preferred communication methods.

Selling for Success
Whether you're selling ideas within your organization or a product to a customer, two factors can significantly impact your success. The first is your preferred style of selling. The second is your audience's preferred style of being sold to. In Selling for Success, you'll learn how to identify your audience's preferences and balance your message to meet their needs.

My Growth Plan
Let's use your strengths as a tool to iron out areas that need a boost. You'll choose three strengths and three areas for growth. This tool will give you a menu of corresponding activities and the expected benefit. It's like a workout routine for your personal and professional growth. You'll even identify an accountability partner, so you have someone to check your progress with: "I'm working on improving X. Are you seeing this change?"

Leaders Resource Center
Coming Soon

Student Leadership Module
You're considering a future leadership role. But when you step up to lead, you don't always get the response you're hoping for. It's discouraging. We can help. In this module, you'll learn critical components of communication, influence, and leadership, so you know what to try next—and what to avoid.

Student Career Module
Most people don't know what kind of work environment they will thrive in until they go through a trial-and-error process. We'll help you find your ideal environment faster (based on your behavioral and communication preferences) and provide a plan for working with people who have different styles than you.